Unit 73 - Sound
Unit 73 - Sound
Unit 73 - Sound:
white noise
- Sounds are made from sine waves.
- The medium is the air.
Wave length = from one starting point to another same point
Wave length is measured in frequency/Hz (how frequent it occurs)
Amplitude is measured in Lambda
Human's can hear from 20 Hz - 20 KHz
Waves lengths = how many times you hear it per second, if you hear something 500 times in a second then its 500Hz
Middle 'C' Hz = 261Hz
Vibrations of harmonics at the same time producing the pitch.
Timbre (tone quality, color) is what differentiates two sounds in the same frequency (same note). For example, the Do (C) note played in a guitar has a really different sound of a Do (C) when played in keyboard or flute. This means that these instruments have different timbres.
Loudness = level of sound. Measured in dBs.
Voice = 5.5PPM
SFX = 4.5PPM
Music = 3.5PPM
Avoid Distortion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL1iyPu5Bt8 here is an example of distortion in a audio clip.
Sound source = pressing of a key, your feet steeping on a surface which can be used in Foley etc...
Game Sound designers - https://www.gamedesigning.org/learn/video-game-sound/
Overwatch showcase of voice lines and game sounds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfLkwHwCA2I
In overwatch the would have used voice actors and Foley to create the sounds used in the vidoe above. The would have done this by first recording the voice actors then using a editing software such as WavePad, Audacity and
Purpose of game sound-
- Atmosphere
- immersive (gun needs sound)
- brings game to life
- Sound to force player to feel
- Character definition
- Inform Player
Examples of game audio:
- Destiny 2 cayde-6 Earth voice line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK90ICUPLcQ
- Sonic coin pickup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRgfAPe5s3U
- Mortal Kombat game music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_Nm3kjLkH4
Sounds need to be balanced
What sounds do you need to create calm:
Music- for the music this will be the background setting to create a calm atmosphere
flutes - https://youtu.be/xu2pESvXcmM?t=396
high pitch
major key
SFX - the sound effects of the trees and birds will make the scene feel a lot more immersive which will make them feel more calm
soft wind - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KzFe50RQkQ
leafs rustling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVFasUmGztw
birds tweeting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMWeQWGla0Y
Voice - then having a calming voice, like gandalf, it will calm the player more
calm warm voices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG2UO2F0iY4
Audio environment link:
League of Legends audio environment:
I-nterface = ping sounds in league of legends, the menu sounds in the shop when you buy items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSmCwy1eqSk
E-ffect = Spells effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtTm8Zh5UPE
Z-one = Ambient jungle sounds https://youtu.be/JoM1YxRCLDM?t=117
A-ffect = DJ Sona's background music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgLTNCMzd9Y
One of the main sound designers for league is Adam Swanson.
On this link you can see all of his work to do with the game.
Sound sources:
- Company source library (buy)
- Foley (buy)
- Voice acting (buy)
- Software - Audacity, logic, garage band, adobe audition
I - i would source the sound for interface through sound libraries because i could find lots of basic sounds which would work well in a H.U.D https://sonniss.com/sound-effects/
E - i would use foley do source the effects for the game https://wabisabisound.com/services/
Z - for zone i would also use a sound library to source the background sound for my game
A - for affect i would use software to create the music for the game. https://www.nch.com.au/mixpad/index.html?kw=logic%20music%20software&gclid=CjwKCAjw_MnmBRAoEiwAPRRWWzq-Pb0FbsBg9TysB6MXITyb8_IeS8m8P4Fw5y7ulYmz2QQw4CbPCBoCjgkQAvD_BwE
rifle shotgun - 416